Advertising Design for Print, Web, and Social

Advertising campaigns contain multiple platforms. I have created designs for web, social media, print, internal LCD screens, and outdoor LED signs.

Web, Social, and Print Ad Campaigns

The launch of Little Looms from a special issue to a quarterly publication required a overall brand refresh (see Little Looms project) and a focused advertising campaigns introducing the quarterly through subscription ads and launching its supporting website. Supporting campaigns with web, social media, and print ads was developed.

Print, Web, and Social Ads

The Long Thread Podcast ran regular print advertising in multiple sizes. There was also a collection of web and social ads to round out this campaign, as well as podcast cover icons.

Ad Campaign

As the design lead in CSU's Lory Student Center marketing department, I partnered with the manager of the satellite Garbanzo to create a multi-tiered campaign to first raise awareness and later promote specific deals. The result was a multi-media campaign that included: print, LCD, LED, web, and social ads.

Web Covers and Ads for Streaming Videos

Long Thread Media developed 10 streaming video products a year. I was responsible for art direction and design of web shop covers, as well as the web and social media ads for these products.